Where To Find the Lengow Team in February & March


Just like last year, 2017 will be starting off as a busy one for all the Lengow teams. You can find us at trade shows all over Europe: Berlin, Monaco, Hamburg, London, and Barcelona. Find out where we’ll be in February & March:

E-commerce Berlin Expo – Germany: 2nd February

To kick off our events this year, our @LengowDACH team will be visiting the E-commerce Berlin Expo for the first time, where all German e-commerce players will come together to help online retailers develop their businesses. Our COO, Nenad Cetkovic, will be speaking twice at this event. He will be taking part in a panel discussion entitled How to Enter the Russian and Chinese Market with Dominik Johnson, Director Key Account Development at Yandex. He will also be giving a presentation dedicated to the development of the Chinese market: Cross Border Ecommerce: Making the Most of China’s Potential. Come and meet us at booth A15!


IMRG Fashion Connect – London: 23rd February

At the end of February, our UK team (@LengowUK) will travel to the IMRG Fashion Connect Conference in London, an event 100% dedicated to the fashion sector, this year focusing on retaining customer loyalty. We won’t have a stand as we’re just visiting, but get in touch if you’d like to meet up and talk.

Online Marketing Rockstars Festival – Germany: 2-3 March

The Online Marketing Rockstars Festival will host no fewer than 25,000 visitors and 200 exhibitors this year, including our German team who would love to say hello and chat about your cross border strategies at our booth – A26.


One to One – France: 22nd – 24th March

Our @Lengow France team will be available for appointments in March for One to One Monaco, an essential event for e-commerce leaders. Dedicated to new trends, innovations, and business opportunities in the industry, this event will bring together 6 plenaries, and the opportunity to meet industry players in a one to one format, as well as around 100 expert workshops, one of which will be hosted by our COO, Nenad Cetkovic.

eShow Barcelona – Spain: 22nd – 23rd March

We’ll be rounding up March with the eShow Barcelona. According to Gartner Research, “in 2020, 85% of transactions will be made without the intervention of a human being”. This is what the theme of the eShow has built around, with this year focusing on robotics, IoT, artificial intelligence, VR, and new technologies. The @LengowSpain team will be giving a presentation at the event (subject to be confirmed) and would love to meet you at stand 42!

Tegan Marlow

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