Lengow Day 2018: “Get To Know Your Future Customers”


In a previous article, we gave you an overview of the three themes that will set the tone for the 6th Lengow Day, which will take place on 27th September: “Get To Know Your Future Customers”, “Think Better, Act Closer”, and “Go Beyond Your Achievements”. To find out more about this event, which this year is dedicated to the customer journey, read about our first theme entitled “Get To Know Your Future Customers”.

“What Do Customers Want”

Not every strategy is good to follow if brands and distributors do not take the time to get to know their customers. Who are they? In what environment are they moving? What are their expectations? What are their buying habits? Entitled “What Do Customers Want”, this talk encourages participants to (re)discover the Customer with a view to building a strategy that fulfils the customer’s aspirations.

“Which Persona Hides Behind Your Customer?”

Behind every customer hides a persona. What are his or her character traits? How to adapt to present and future types of customer? How to anticipate changes in their behaviour? To discuss these questions, we will have the pleasure of welcoming within our panel a number of specialists in international e-commerce, who will share their experience and thoughts on the subject.

“Online and Offline: How To Provide a Seamless Shopping Experience?”

This intervention will take the form of a one-on-one discussion. Called “Online and Offline: How To Provide a Seamless Shopping Experience?”, the discussion will be an opportunity to listen to two players: a pure play company and a retailer. It will be a chance to share their vision with the participants and to explain how they offer a seamless shopping experience at a time when online and offline have merged into one.

We look forward to seeing you on 27th September in Paris at the Pavillon Gabriel. You can find all the information about Lengow Day 2018 on our website, our blog, and our social media: Twitter (follow the hashtag #LengowDay) and our LinkedIn group.

Registrations are open! Participation in Lengow Day is by confirmation, so request your participation now!

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Maud Leuenberger

Editorial Project Leader @lengow

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