5 big SEO tips from SMX Paris speaker Virginie Clève (@Largow)


With the impending changes that are about to go down for mobile page rankings on Google on April 21, the state of SEO’s future seems up in the air right now.

The quest for optimal page ranking has constantly been discussed recently around the world at leading events and conferences, including SEOCamp’s Tuni’SEO (covered on the Lengow Blog here and here).

As a result of all the changes happening on the internet, marketers are asking themselves where they can keep up with the latest trends.

Those who are in Paris will soon have their answer: at SMX Paris on June 8-9, 2015 they can hear valuable insights from renowned marketing experts just like attendees of SMX West in California and Germany’s SMX Munich did earlier this month.

SMX Paris 2015 speaker and committee member Virginie Clève—a seasoned web marketer who launched her company Largow in September 2014 in order to help businesses master modern tactics like growth hacking—recently shared some tips for Lengow Blog readers after she spoke about SEO best practices on March 19 at TheFamily’s Startup Workshop.

Clève, who also provides marketing resources via Twitter(@Largow) and is offering a 15% discount for SMX Paris registration with her promotional code LARGO15, said the user should be at the center of any page’s design in order for it to be more easily found on search engines.

Ultimate UX

“SEO is often considered complex, obscure and very technical. One of my goals when I’m speaking at events is to convince the audience that good SEO is primarily a well-built product. Keep in mind that if it is well-built for Google, it will be for the user as well,” said Clève, who often shares infographics about web marketing on her Pinterest page.

“I also focus on how SEO should be part of the overall marketing approach (rather than isolated).”

Product Placement

Clève’s advice for online merchants who want to stand out from the crowd was simple: time is money.

More time spent on optimizing the user experience(UX) for people browsing product pages—in order to provide a clean, simple shopping experience—leads to more sales.

“As far as ecommerce is concerned, the principal advice I can give is: spend a good amount of time on the UX of your product pages, make sure that they all have internal inbound links and are accessible from your homepage in 3 clicks or less,” said Clève.

Clève’s SMX Paris talk will focus on lesser-known online marketing tips and tricks that can increase the reach of websites: Growth Hacking 101. After recommending tools like Twitter Cards and OpenGraphy (for tapping into the marketing potential of Facebook’s Open Graph) during her talk at TheFamily, Clève will provide even more social media marketing advice at SMX Paris.

Clève, who has used the username Largow while sharing marketing tips on web forums since the 2000’s and since 2007 on Twitter as one of its earliest users, says many larger companies have yet to start benefiting from tactics that startups use.

SMX Paris will also feature a keynote (“The State of Search”) by SearchEngineLand.com and MarketingLand.com Founding Editor Danny Sullivan. All of the SMX conferences are produced by SearchEngineLand.com, which is a key source on Twitter for valuable SEO news, as well as Sullivan’s Twitter account(@DannySullivan).

Elias Jabbe

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