Why Inbound Marketing needs to be a part of your strategy


With the many means of marketing available for e-merchants and others who need to consistently attract traffic to their websites, it can sometimes be hard to determine which path to take. However, thanks to insight from inbound marketing experts, a large audience at IESA Multimedia in Paris found out yesterday that inbound is the direction they should steer their marketing strategies in.

Over the course of a couple of hours, experienced content creators and curators shared best practices and reasons why inbound marketing should be implemented at the IESA Multimedia campus just minutes away from Lengow’s Paris office. The event featured presentations by Scoop.it! Co-Founder and President Marc Rougier and speakers representing 3M (Nicolas Dru) and Aressy (Matthieu Fischer and Florian Compain). It was hosted by its co-organizer Mounira Hamdi of the Paris-based conference organization firm LabCom and was promoted live on Twitter via the hashtag #scmwdej.

Ecommerce Effect

Before taking a look at some expert advice on setting up inbound marketing campaigns from the aforementioned speakers, it is important for online retailers to understand why inbound matters to them in particular. Frédéric Clément, who now applies his many years of experience in the online marketing industry as Lengow’s Partnership Director, strongly recommends inbound for e-merchants, especially if they are on a budget.

“With the increase of the costs of acquisition through paid channels, it is now key for merchants to think about innovative ways to attract and retain visitors,” said Clément, who recently launched the Lengow Hub in order to curate ecommerce industry news and resources in English and French and provide free marketing to ecommerce startups and other companies.

“Inbound marketing can be very powerful—as it focuses on traffic acquisition and conversion optimization—and may therefore have a strong impact on the bottom line.” 

Inbound Insight

Some of the advice from yesterday’s speakers regarding understanding Buyer Personas and how to find the right mix of creating and curating content are available via Lengow’s UK Twitter profile (Twitter.com/Lengow_UK) and below. The slides from the speakers are also available online; Rougier’s slide deck is the only one available in English.

Feel free to let us know in the comments section below what inbound marketing strategies are interesting to you.

Elias Jabbe

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