Lengow Day 2020: round tables to broaden your horizons


Join us on 1st October for our first 100% digital Lengow Day! This eighth edition will bring together 4000 retailers and brands with the top marketing channels of the industry. In addition to the already highly anticipated 1-1-meetings, the online event will bring some of the most interesting e-commerce experts together for round tables tackling subjects that concern all brands and retailers since our world changed in 2020. Check out our windows to this new world!

From deceleration to acceleration: How to stay agile under any circumstances

In a world where uncertainty can drive change to strategy as Covid-19 has shown, opt for an agile approach to adapt your (e)commerce business under any circumstances: new trends, societal changes, sudden events, etc. Stay alert, act quickly and be the first to innovate.

Andy Mulcahy (IMRG), Sarah Tayeb (eBay), Tommaso Trevisan (VTEX) and Carina McLeod (eCommerce Nurse) will lead this round table and give you some unexpected insights!

Tune in to the round table!


The power of live commerce in the purchasing decision

It’s no secret the West plays catch-up with China in all things e-commerce and social media—for live commerce it’s no different. This new generation of teleshopping will soon be indispensable, so how do brands and retailers exploit it? Discover the full potential of live commerce and key tips to adapt your efforts between the Asian and Western markets. 

Eric Feng (Facebook), Elijah Wahley (PARKLU) and Ted Hettich (Ideal Shopping Direct) hosted by Frédéric Clément (Lengow) will demonstrate the fast-growing importance live commerce.

Tune in to the round table!

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Marketing 4.0 in e-commerce: How to combine branding and performance

Branding and performance are often seen as two distinct sides of marketing. Brand marketing builds a long-term awareness whereas performance marketing focuses on growth. Discover how to collaborate branding and performance why it could be a game changer for your e-commerce business.

Hosted by Chloë Thomas (eCommerce Masterplan), Rodjia Schmitz-Hübsch (OTTO), Kacper Rozenbaum (Allegro) and Nicolas Metzke (Melvin & Hamilton) are going to discuss marketing 4.0.

Tune in to the round table!


Successfully set and expand your efforts to win international markets

The line between SEO and SEA becomes blurrier every day for e-commerce players thanks to the likes of Google Shopping. Discover how to effectively master SEM to boost your sales and attract visitors and customers from anywhere in the world.

Aleyda Solis (Orainti), Adrien Ménard (Botify), Guillaume Cabane (gorgias) and Luke Carthy (Expert) will dig deep in this topic.

Tune in to the round table!


Circular e-commerce: embracing a new model to stay relevant

Consumer engagement in sustainability deepened during the COVID-19 crisis. It’s clearer than ever: it’s time for a new model. Discover how, as brands and retailers, you can embrace this opportunity and reiterate your commitment to a new, circular model to remain relevant and increase profits.

Hosted by Cyril Artur Du Plessis (Les digital doers) Vigga Svensson (Continued Fashion), Stephanie Crespin (Reflaunt) and Ben Whitaker (Expert) will discuss this new model and inspire you.  

Tune in to the round table!

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Join us at Lengow Day 2020 to get inspired and enlightened! On top of that, meet Europe’s key e-commerce players through exclusive 1-1 meetings.

Naomi Botting

Field Marketing Specialist

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