ricardo.ch – The Number One Marketplace in Switzerland


Online trading in Switzerland is growing rapidly, thereby gaining more and more relevance in cross-border e-commerce. The online marketplace ricardo.ch was founded in 1999, and today it’s the leading e-commerce platform in Switzerland. It is easy for Lengow customers to sell their products on ricardo.ch.

ricardo.ch In a Few Words

Ricardo.ch is the most popular online marketplace in Switzerland. This is the conclusion of a 2019 e-commerce study by Y&R Wunderman, for which 2000 participants from Switzerland who speak German and French and are between the ages of 14 and 69 were polled. Another finding from the study is that Swiss consumers prefer Ricardo’s mobile app over those from Amazon and AliExpress, placing it among the top three shopping apps overall.

Below are some impressive numbers:

  • More than 4 million registered members
  • More than 20,000 products sold per day
  • Over 370.000 visitors per day
  • More than 6,5 million products available
  • Over 15 million page views per day
  • Brand awareness estimated at 93% in Switzerland: 9 out of 10 Swiss people know the brand ricardo.ch

At a Glance: The Benefits for Online Retailers

The benefits of selling online on Ricardo are multiple:

  • On ricardo.ch you can sell almost anything (there are 26 main product categories)
  • Sell your new and used products on a marketplace the Swiss trust
  • An extensive reach from the largest Swiss online marketplace that places particular emphasis on secure sales and has comprehensive fraud protection
  • Offer your customers free credit card payments
  • A premium customer service is also available

We asked Heiko Röhrig, Head of Cross-Border Sales at ricardo.ch, why online marketplaces are the perfect way to enter the Swiss market: Online marketplaces are the number 1 shopping destination, and we can offer you one of the best in Switzerland. When it comes to expansion and internationalisation, one of the easiest ways to explore a new market is to enter into a partnership with an already established marketplace. With ricardo.ch, you can increase your sales and your brand presence in Switzerland without enormous expense.

What makes the Swiss market convenient for a European or UK seller?

Some reasons are:

  • There is a particularly high purchasing power (the average Swiss person has more than 20k Euros left to spend each year)
  • Geographical proximity to the UK and most European countries
  • There is a lack of foreign retail in Switzerland, so many Swiss people tend to shop abroad

The conditions for online retailers in Switzerland are overall very good; there is a strong infrastructure and high online connectivity. The Swiss E-Commerce market grows from year to year: In 2022, the market is expected to generate US$15.29 billion in revenue. Revenue is anticipated to grow at a pace of 16.49% per year (CAGR 2022-2027).

Start selling on Ricardo

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