Shopping Actions (Buy with Google) with Lengow


Google is bringing its Shopping Actions (Buy with Google) program to Europe, after first launching in the U.S. Shopping Actions allows buyers to buy a product directly from Google’s search result list. France is the second country where Google has made Shopping Actions (Buy with Google) available. The French e-commerce market is considered the best for e-commerce players to test a new strategy for the entire European market. So, how exactly does this new Google program work? And what are its benefits?

Shopping Actions (Buy with Google) increases the visibility of your products on Google

Shopping Actions (Buy with Google) is intended to provide a more fluid shopping experience for consumers. The platform enables online shoppers to make purchases through various Google services, such as the Google Shopping tab (via desktop and mobile phone) or soon through Google Assistant (Voice Commerce). A single shopping list, a single shopping cart, instant payment – everything is designed to make a better, easier shopping experience for online shoppers navigating the Google ecosystem.

Read more > Shopping Actions (Buy with Google): Google’s e-commerce program

Currently, around 1000 brands and retailers use the Shopping Actions (Buy with Google) program in the U.S. Following initial tests, retailers using Shopping Actions (Buy with Google) have seen the average size of their customers’ shopping baskets increase by 30%. Tests on Shopping Actions are also underway in France with major brands such as Carrefour, Auchan and FNAC. The same positive results can be seen there. If this positive trend continues, Shopping Actions will soon be introduced in other European countries, so brands and retailers should be prepared for this.

Shopping Actions (Buy with Google) primarily benefits brands and distributors by giving better visibility of their logo and products on various Google services, accompanied by further information about their catalogue. Internet users can clearly identify the origin of the products sold through Google. This allows internet users to clearly identify the origin of products sold on Google. As far as product availability is concerned, potential e-shoppers can also buy quickly and directly from your own stock. This is an incentive for them to place a new order.

What does the Shopping Actions (Buy with Google) order process look like?

The order process can be described exactly based on the current tests in France. From the beginning of research through to order, internet users follow a shopping experience optimised by Google. By searching via the ‘Shopping’ tab or the page, users can see the products available under Shopping Actions (Buy with Google) – identified by a ‘Buy with Google’ tag. When users click on the item of their choice, they’re provided with a variety of information such as photos, price, seller’s name, product description and delivery conditions. Once the order has been placed, confirmation is sent to the seller, who takes care of the shipping.

N.B. – Google will take care of customer service.


Shopping Actions (Buy with Google) and Lengow

For several months, Lengow has been working with Google France to enable merchants to send their product data feeds to Shopping Actions and manage orders through respective APIs.

In France, Lengow enables users to publish and sell products on Shopping Actions (Buy with Google). If products are already sold via Google Shopping or online marketplaces via the Lengow platform, it’s much easier to perform the technical integration. Orders via shopping actions can be easily managed within the Lengow platform.

If the Shopping Actions (Buy with Google) test is successful in France, we can expect many other European countries will follow, including the UK. Thanks to Lengow, dealers are prepared for this new, important sales channel.

For further questions please contact our team:


Naomi Botting

Field Marketing Specialist

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