[Lengow Feature] Drive your e-commerce business, daily


Following on from our article about the features that debuted on our platform in 2018, we decided to share a new feature each month to help you make the best use of Lengow. Today we’ll be taking a look at two essential features of our platform that allow you to have a complete, accurate and up-to-date view of your Lengow business.
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Your e-commerce activity is split between your different marketing channels. You need to be able to easily and quickly track what is happening on your online store, on your ads, on marketplaces, etc. To help with this, we suggest two features that will allow you to succeed in driving your e-commerce activity: the daily summary e-mail and our new homepage.

1/The summary email

To help you keep track of your activity, a summary email is sent to you every day to keep you informed at a glance. This allows you to track three main things:

  • your commercial performance: your income generated and your orders being distributed on marketplaces,
  • status updates for your latest imports in your product catalogues,
  • the latest distribution reports on your channels: published products and errors in marketplace sales.

Note: Although highly recommended by our teams, this email summary can be disabled at any time within the Lengow platform. To do this, simply uncheck this option in your notification centre. Make sure to visit the platform regularly to avoid leaving an order waiting or to forget a feed in error.

2/ A new homepage

We have recently redesigned our homepage to allow you to have a quick global overview of your business as soon as you arrive on our platform. This page offers simplified management and guarantees faster control of your activity on your chosen marketing channels.

You’ll be able to see:

  • Orders that require an action from you,
  • All of your catalogues: the number of products, the number of associated channels and the last update made,
  • Your business performance in the last 7 days,
  • The status of your ads *.

* On marketplaces, for example, you can see the number of products published and any errors from the latest integration report.


To sum up…

These two features help you to quickly visualise your activity (orders, any errors to be corrected and improvements to be made), but also to control key information without wasting your time to hit all of your KPIs.

Get in touch with our team to learn more about the Lengow platform and all its features!

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Maud Leuenberger

Editorial Project Leader @lengow

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