The Comprehensive Guide to Amazon Marketplace


Welcome to this guide to the Amazon Marketplace! This article is your one-stop shop for learning how to sell on Amazon. We’ll show you the basics, like setting up your account, understanding what you’ll pay, and getting your products out there. Plus, we’ll give you tips on making your items stand out and tell you about Amazon’s tools that can help get more eyes on your stuff. If you want to start selling on Amazon or get better at it, you’re in the right place. Let’s get started!

Marketplace Spotlight Amazon

Amazon Marketplace and its global reach

Amazon Marketplace is an expansive e-commerce platform that enables retailers and individual sellers to list their products alongside Amazon’s own offerings, reaching a vast audience of consumers. As the largest online retailer, Amazon provides an unparalleled opportunity for sellers to tap into a global marketplace that’s actively visited by millions of customers each day.

In 2022 Amazon generated $513 billion revenue, making it the third largest company in the world by revenue. Amazon has over 300 million active users worldwide; among these active users, 197 million people visit every month. Amazon ships to more than 100 countries (source: The Amazon marketplace is available, among others, in the US, the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Japan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, enabling sellers to reach international markets beyond their local domain.

Amazon Marketplace Statistics
Net sales revenue of Amazon from 1st quarter 2007 to 2nd quarter 2023

This international aspect of Amazon Marketplace is bolstered by a suite of services designed to overcome traditional barriers to global commerce. These include translation services, international shipping and fulfillment programs like Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), and customer service management. With these services, Amazon has effectively lowered the entry threshold for sellers aspiring to expand internationally, providing tools and support that help navigate different languages, customs regulations, and logistical challenges.

Moreover, Amazon’s vast data capabilities offer sellers insights into global market trends, enabling them to make informed decisions about product listings, pricing strategies, and promotional activities. This data-driven approach aids sellers in tailoring their offerings to meet the specific demands of diverse markets, increasing their chances of success.

By joining Amazon Marketplace, sellers become part of a global e-commerce ecosystem that’s not just vast in its reach but also sophisticated in its operations.

Benefits of selling on Amazon Marketplace for businesses of all sizes

Selling on Amazon Marketplace presents a multitude of advantages for retailers, whether they’re just starting out or are established entities looking to expand their reach. Here are some key benefits:

  • Massive Customer Base: Amazon has a vast global customer base, which affords sellers instant access to millions of potential customers. This exposure is invaluable for new and growing businesses that might otherwise spend significant resources on marketing to attract attention.
  • Trust Factor: Amazon is a trusted name in e-commerce. Customers are often more willing to purchase from a new seller on Amazon than from an unknown website due to Amazon’s customer service policies and guarantee of purchase protection.
  • Fulfillment Services: With Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), businesses can store their products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers. Amazon will handle packing, shipping, customer service, and returns for these orders, which can significantly ease the logistical burden on sellers and provide customers with the benefit of Amazon Prime’s fast shipping.
  • International Reach: Amazon operates websites in many countries, making international sales easier for retailers and brands. The platform handles many of the complexities associated with international transactions, including currency conversion and customer support in the local language.
  • Sophisticated Backend Support: Amazon’s seller tools and analytics help businesses track sales, manage inventory, and gain insights into customer behavior. These tools can be particularly beneficial for small businesses that might not have the resources to develop such sophisticated systems independently.
  • Advertising and Promotion: Amazon offers a suite of advertising and promotional tools that can help increase product visibility. Options range from sponsored product ads to Amazon’s Deals of the Day, which can attract a high volume of traffic.
  • Scalability: The marketplace is scalable. Sellers can start small with just a few items and grow their presence on the platform without the need for significant upfront investments in infrastructure or inventory.
  • Customer Feedback Loop: Seller ratings and feedback on Amazon can help businesses quickly build a reputation. Positive customer reviews can significantly boost sales, and the feedback can also provide valuable insights into product improvements or new product opportunities.
  • Subscription Model: Amazon offers a subscription model, which can be particularly advantageous for products that are purchased on a regular basis. This model ensures repeat sales and customer retention.
  • Brand Building: Sellers can register their brand with Amazon, which gives them access to enhanced branding tools like A+ content and storefronts. This can help businesses create a more compelling online presence and distinguish their products from competitors.

Step-by-step instructions on setting up an Amazon seller account

Setting up an Amazon seller account is a gateway to accessing a broad customer base on one of the world’s largest e-commerce platforms. Here is a structured guide on how to get started:

Choose Your Seller Account Type: Decide between an Individual or Professional account. Individual accounts don’t have a monthly fee, but you pay $0.99 per item sold, while Professional accounts have a monthly fee (the cost can vary based on promotions or country), but no per-item fee.

Create Your Amazon Seller Account:

  • Visit the Amazon Services or Amazon Seller Central website.
  • Click on the ‘Start Selling’ button or ‘Register now’ link.
  • Choose the type of account (Individual or Professional) you decided on in step 1.
  • Sign in with an existing Amazon account or create a new one.

Enter Your Business Information:

  • Provide your business name and address.
  • Include your contact information for Amazon and customers to use.
  • Select a unique display name that will serve as your business identity on Amazon.

Fill in Your Tax Information:

  • Complete the Amazon Tax Information Interview to comply with tax regulations.
  • Provide your Social Security Number or company’s Federal Tax Identification Number, as appropriate.

Set Up Your Payment Information:

  • Enter the details of a bank account where Amazon can send your sales proceeds.
  • Amazon requires a credit card that can be charged for fees if your balance doesn’t cover them.

Verify Your Identity:

  • Provide a valid phone number where you will receive a call or SMS to confirm your identity.
  • Have your passport or national ID card handy for identity verification if required.
  • Create Your Amazon Storefront:
  • Add your logo, business description, and a return and refund policy.
  • Start listing products with clear images and detailed descriptions.
  • Ensure your listings are optimized with relevant keywords for better search visibility.

Understand Shipping and Fulfillment Options:

  • Decide if you’ll fulfill orders yourself (Fulfillment by Merchant – FBM) or use Amazon’s fulfillment services (Fulfillment by Amazon – FBA).
  • If using FBA, send your inventory to Amazon’s fulfillment centers following their guidelines.

Compliance and Quality Assurance:

  • Check Amazon’s seller policies to ensure you comply with all guidelines and quality standards.
  • Understand the rules related to product categories, as some require approval to sell.

Final Checks and Launch:

  • Review all the information provided for accuracy.
  • Ensure you understand Amazon’s fee structure.
  • When ready, officially launch your Amazon storefront and start selling.

NB: Launching one product on Amazon is easy, but managing hundreds can be challenging. For large inventories, Amazon Flat Files are essential. They simplify bulk updates and listing management, saving time and improving inventory accuracy.

Remember to regularly review Amazon’s Seller Central tutorials and guidelines, as they provide valuable information and updates that can help you manage your account and sales effectively. Establishing your seller account is just the beginning; continuous learning and adaptation will be key to your success on Amazon Marketplace.

Overview of Amazon’s fulfillment options (FBA vs. FBM)

Sellers on the marketplace must choose how to fulfill orders, and the primary options are Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) and Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM). Each offers distinct advantages and suits different seller needs.

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a hands-off approach where Amazon handles storage, shipping, and customer service. It’s a comprehensive solution that includes faster shipping for customers through Amazon Prime, potentially increasing sales. However, it involves additional fees for storage and fulfillment, which can impact profit margins, particularly for larger or slower-moving items.

Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) means the seller takes full responsibility for storing, packing, and shipping products. This option offers more control over the entire process and can be more cost-effective, especially for larger items or those with lower turnover rates. Sellers opting for FBM need to ensure they can meet Amazon’s delivery and customer service standards, which requires robust internal processes.

Choosing between FBA and FBM involves considering factors like product size, turnover rates, cost implications, and operational resources. Some sellers opt to use both methods, selecting FBA for items that benefit from Prime eligibility and FBM for products where they prefer direct control or have cost advantages.

Understanding Amazon’s fee structure for sellers

Amazon’s fee structure for sellers is multifaceted and understanding it is crucial for pricing your products competitively while maintaining profitability. Here’s a short outline of the main fees that Amazon charges its sellers:

  • Referral Fees: A commission on each sale, varying by category (6% to 45%).
  • Subscription Fees: Individual plan (no monthly fee, $0.99 per item) or Professional plan (monthly fee, no per-item charge).
  • Fulfillment Fees (FBA): Charges for picking, packing, shipping, customer service, and returns, based on product size and weight.
  • Storage Fees (FBA): Monthly fees for warehouse storage, based on inventory volume.
  • Closing Fees: Fixed fees for selling media items like books and DVDs.
  • High-Volume Listing Fees: For numerous inactive listings.
  • Additional Fees: For optional services, refunds, or inventory disposal.

In this article you will find everything you need to know about Amazon selling fees.

Sellers must regularly review their account’s fee statements to understand their costs better. It’s also vital to keep up with any changes in Amazon’s fee structure, as the company updates its policies and fees periodically. By thoroughly understanding and anticipating these fees, sellers can set prices that cover costs while remaining attractive to Amazon customers.

Strategies for effective product listing and optimization

Maximizing visibility and sales on Amazon hinges on effective product listing and optimization. Employing high-quality images is crucial; clear, high-resolution pictures from various angles can significantly enhance your product’s presentation. Amazon’s allowance for multiple images should be fully utilized to offer extensive visual information.

In addition, crafting detailed and accurate product descriptions is vital. These should highlight key features and benefits, focusing on unique selling points, and be formatted with bullet points for easy readability. Integrating relevant keywords is also essential. Research and use keywords that potential customers might use to find products like yours, incorporating them into your title, description, and backend search terms to boost search visibility.

NB: To minimize errors in your Amazon product catalog and comply with marketplace requirements, ensure all necessary data is accurately completed, paying special attention to the valid values for specific attributes. Remember, improper configuration of your product catalog can lead to errors in marketplace integration reports.

Key Elements to optimise on Amazon-min

Competitive pricing is another important aspect; pricing products competitively involves researching similar items’ prices and possibly using automated repricing tools to remain competitive. Encouraging customer reviews is also beneficial, as positive feedback can increase your product’s visibility and attractiveness to buyers.

For brand-registered sellers, utilizing Amazon’s A+ Content to enhance descriptions with rich text and images can be particularly effective. Finally, monitoring product performance through Amazon’s analytics tools and adjusting listings based on trends is key to maintaining effective listings.

Don’t forget to take a look at the top Amazon seller tools – there is no getting around some of them.

Leveraging Amazon advertising and promotional tools

To amplify your product visibility and drive sales on Amazon, it’s essential to tap into the marketplace’s robust suite of advertising and promotional tools.

Begin by setting up Sponsored Products to bid on keywords relevant to your items. This places your products in search results or on product detail pages, and you pay per click, making it a cost-effective way to gain visibility. For brand owners, Sponsored Brands can help create more impactful advertisements by featuring your brand logo, a custom headline, and a selection of your products. This not only promotes individual products but also enhances overall brand awareness.

Sponsored Display ads are another powerful tool that extends your reach beyond Amazon’s website, targeting customers based on their shopping activities and interests.

Incorporate digital coupons into your strategy, which shoppers can apply directly at checkout for instant discounts. These are particularly effective for attracting deal-seekers and can differentiate your product from competitors.

Participate in Amazon’s time-limited deals like “Deal of the Day” or “Lightning Deals” to prompt quick purchases and increase the likelihood of your products being noticed by a larger audience.

Set up promotions such as discounts or “Buy One Get One” offers, which can be an excellent way to move inventory quickly, increase cart sizes, and reward loyal customers.

Finally, consider creating an Amazon Store for your brand. This gives you a dedicated space to curate your products, highlight key features, and tell your brand’s story, akin to having your own website within Amazon.

Amazon Prime Video Ads will launch in 2024, allowing retailers to advertise with shoppable ads on its streaming service for the first time. It could be a game changer for Amazon sellers.

Integrating these advertising and promotional tools into your Amazon strategy can lead to enhanced product discoverability, increased sales, and stronger customer loyalty.

Future trends and how to stay competitive on Amazon

Amazon’s marketplace is constantly evolving, and staying ahead requires an understanding of emerging trends:

User experience and customer engagement: Amazon is focusing on unique customer experiences, making shopping seamless and enjoyable. Sellers should prioritize a media strategy that enhances user experience and targets customer needs​​.

Seasonal and micro-seasonal trends: Amazon is diversifying its sales events beyond major holidays to include micro-seasonal events like Pet Day or Star Wars Day, creating new opportunities for targeted marketing​​.

Rise of Amazon advertising: With product searches on Amazon rising, especially for niche holidays, leveraging Amazon Advertising’s growing platform is essential for reaching the right audience at the right time​​.

Retail readiness: Ensuring your products and store are fully optimized for the marketplace is more crucial than ever. This means having accurate listings, sufficient inventory, and a strategy for peak sales events​​.

Structured advertising campaigns: Adopt a structured approach to advertising campaigns, focusing on building awareness before, driving sales during, and capturing late buyers after seasonal events​​.

Amazon Marketplace FAQ

To start selling on Amazon Marketplace, you need to create a seller account. Choose between an individual or professional account based on your sales volume. After account setup, list your products by either adding to existing product listings or creating new ones. Set your prices, decide on a fulfillment method (Fulfillment by Amazon or self-ship), and manage your inventory. It’s important to optimize your product listings with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and relevant keywords. Regularly monitor your sales performance and customer feedback, and adjust your strategies as needed to improve visibility and sales.

Competing with Amazon in its marketplace is challenging due to its vast customer base, sophisticated infrastructure, and advanced logistical capabilities. However, niche firms with unique products, exceptional customer service, and effective marketing strategies can carve out successful spaces. Focusing on specialized markets, building strong brand loyalty, and offering products not readily available on Amazon can also give firms a competitive edge.

Adrian Gmelch

Adrian Gmelch is a tech and e-commerce enthusiast. He initially worked for an international PR agency in Paris for large tech companies before joining Lengow's international field marketing & content team.

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